Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"To establish genuine free trade, no such transfer of power..."

"To establish genuine free trade, no such transfer of power is necessary.  True free trade does not require treaties or agreements between governments.  On the contrary, true freed trade occurs in the absence of government intervention in the free flow of goods across borders.  Organizations like the WTO and NAFTA represent government-managed trade schemes, not free trade.  The WTO, purported to exist to lower tariffs, is actually the agency that grants permission for tariffs to be applied when complaints of dumping are levied.  Government-managed trade is inherently political, meaning that politicians and bureaucrats determine who wins and loses in the marketplace. 

Granting quasi-governmental international bodies the power to make decisions about American trade rules compromises American sovereignty in dangerous and unacceptable ways."  -Pages 96 & 97 of The Revolution, A Manifesto

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