Sunday, September 4, 2011

"To be sure, the U.S. Constitution is not perfect. "

"To be sure, the U.S. Constitution is not perfect.  Few human contrivances are.  But it is a pretty good one, I think, and it defines and limits the scope of the government.  When we get into the habit of disregarding it or - what is the same thing - interpreting certain key phrases so broadly as to allow the federal government to do whatever it wants, we do so at our own peril.  We will wind up with a situation like the one we face right now, that few Americans are happy with.

I do not believe that most Americans want to continue down this path:  undeclared wars without end, more and more police-state measures, and a Constitution that may as well not exist.  But this is not a fated existence.  We do not have to live in this kind of America.  It is not too late to rally and recall our people to the Constitution, the rule of law, and our traditional American republic."  -Page 67 of The Revolution, A Manifesto

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