Monday, September 12, 2011

"Another aspect of this debate needs to be resolved...."

"Another aspect of this debate needs to be resolved:  If an abortion doctor performs a third-trimester abortion for whatever reason, a handsome fee is paid and it's perfectly legal in some states.  If a frightened teenager, possibly not even knowing she was pregnant, delivers a baby and she kills it, the police are out en masse to charge her with homicide.  What really is so different between the fetus one minute before birth and a newborn one minute after birth?  Biologically and morally, nothing.  We must also answer the grim question of what should be done with a newborn that inadvertently survives an abortion.  It happens more than you might think.  Doctors have been accused of murder since the baby died after delivery, but that hardly seems just.  The real question is, how can a human infant have such relative value attached to it?
The difference of lack thereof between a baby one minute after birth and one minute before needs to be quantified.  The Congress or the courts are incapable of doing this.  This is a profound issue to be determined by society itself based on the moral value it espouses. 
My argument is that the abortion problem is more of a social and moral issue than it is a legal one."  -Pages 3-5 of Liberty Defined

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