Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The ideas of liberty and a free economy have not..."

"The ideas of liberty and a free economy have not spread with equal force everywhere in the world; nor have they been implemented with consistency.  The results have been overwhelming all the same.  Between 1980 and 2000, India's real GDP per head more than doubled, and in China real income per capita rose by 400 percent.  Poverty in China went from 28 percent in 1978 to 9 percent in 1998.  In India, it fell from 51 percent in 1977-1978 to 26 percent in 1999-2000.  "Never-before," writes economist Martin Wolf, "have so many people- or so large a proportion of the world's population- enjoyed such large rises in their standards of living." " -Pages 100 & 101 of The Revolution, A Manifesto

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