Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“Mine is an “isolationist” position only to those..."

“Mine is an “isolationist” position only to those who believe that the world’s peoples can interact with each other only through their governments, or only through the intermediary of a supranational bureaucracy.  That unspoken assumption is dangerous and dehumanizing.  There is nothing isolationist about opposing coercive government-to-government wealth transfers.  Individuals who wish to contribute directly to some worthy cause abroad- and Third World governments whose destructive policies have kept their peoples in miserable poverty are not such a cause - should be perfectly at liberty to do so.  In fact, a recent Hudson Institute study found that in 2006, American citizens voluntarily contributed three times more to help people overseas than did the United States government.  Freedom works.” -Page 102 of The Revolution, A Manifesto

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