Monday, September 12, 2011

"The federal government will remain very much involved..."

"The federal government will remain very much involved in the abortion business either directly or indirectly by financing it.

One thing I believe for certain is that the federal government should never tax pro-life citizens to pay for abortions.  The constant effort by the pro-choice crowd to fund abortion must rank among the stupidest policies ever, even from their viewpoint.  All they accomplish is to give valiant motivation for all pro-life forces as well as the anti-tax supporters of abortion to fight against them.

A society that readily condones abortion invites attacks on personal liberty.  If all life is not precious, how can all liberty be held up as important?  It seems that if some life can be thrown away, our right to personally choose what is best for us is more difficult to defend.  I've become convinced that resolving the abortion issue is required for a healthy defense of a free society." -Pages 5 & 6 of Liberty Defined

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