Saturday, September 3, 2011

"If the Founders' advice is acknowledged at all....."

"If the Founders' advice is acknowledged at all, it is dismissed on the grounds that we no longer live in their times.  The same hackneyed argument could be used against any of the other principles the Founders gave us.  Should we give up the First Amendment because times have changed? How about the rest of the Bill of Rights? It's hypocritical and childish to dismiss certain founding principles simply because a convenient rationale is needed to justify foolish policies today.  The principles enshrined in the Constitution do not change.  If anything, today's more complex world cries out for the moral clarity of a noninterventionist foreign policy.

It is easy to dismiss the noninterventionist view as the quaint aspiration of men who lived in a less complicated world, but it's not so easy to demonstrate how our current policies serve any national interest at all. "  -Page 10 of The Revolution, A Manifesto

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